Thursday, July 21, 2005

Seek the Truth

[This post copied and pasted from my original blog. It was originally created on June 2, 2005]

*** Warning: Fundamentalist Christians and people with closed minds may find this blog offensive***

Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed is mine, no matter where I got it from, and I retain all rights
to it, should it actually prove to be of any value.


If I was to try to sum up my life's directive, this would probably have to be it.

Seek the truth.

Truth is what I look for above all else. In my relationships, nothing bothers me more than being lied to. I want the truth, painful or not. I want truth in business dealings, friendships, everything.

Not only this, but I want to know the truth about other things. Let's take spirituality for example. (This is something you may find me writing about more often once I clear all the anxiety-filled female-related depression-induced crap out of my head)

There are 2 ideas out of the Bible that are very important to me. The first, "Seek and you will find". (Sorry, no King James olde Englishe here). The second is the idea of taking the road less travelled. The "high" road.

These ideas are important. The first says to me that truth can be found. God/the truth can be found. But you must search. The word "seek" implies a search. Going to a church and listening to a sermon is not a search. Maybe for some people, but not me. The second idea, taking the road less travelled (a theme that repeats itself throughout), is also important. Together, these ideas lend creedence to my beliefs that the truth will not be found through conventional religions. Believe me, I have looked there.

At one point, I was a really messed up little kid who would never swear, gasp if anyone swore, and clasp his hands tightly over his ears if someone played AC/DC of Iron Maiden.

I spent the better part of my childhood and early teens following conventional religion. My parents didn't even push me into it. I went of my own free will. But it was always there, just under the surface:

Something was bugging me.

A lot of things didn't make sense. I found myself at the age of 7 or 8 wondering things like "If Cain wandered off after killing Abel and went to live with the people in the 'Land of Nod', where did THEY come from?" Also, my scientifically inclined mind had a hard time believing that the world was created in 6 days. "Where did the dinosaurs come from then?". I had asked this question many times to the other religious people around me, and never got a satisfactory answer. I got a lot of nebulous answers like: "The dinosaurs were demons" or "They coexisted with people" or "It's all just a trick of Satan to make you doubt the Bible." Ok.. riiiiight. I still pose this question to people who believe in the literal 6 day thing, and I still never get a logical answer. Answers yes, logical ones, no.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a very spiritual person, and I DO believe in God. However, it seems that everone thinks that your should believe in THEIR version of God. If you don't, you're wrong, and you're going to hell. (Hell... What a convenient dogmatic device. More on this some other time)

To quote George Carlin (one of my favourites):

Q: "You believe in God?"
A: "No"

"Bang - Dead"

Q: "You believe in God?"
A: "Yes"
Q: "You believe in MY God?"
A: No

"Bang - Dead"

"My God has a bigger dick than your God"
Sums it most of the wars in early history (and some of the current ones) don't it?

Religion is so convenient isn't it? These days, people always take the low road. It's easier. People always want to do what is easier. It's just the way they are. They will spend more money if something can be done easier, or better yet, if it saves time. Yes, the all-important time. Why do we want to save it? What the fuck are we saving it for?

Anyway, people weren't always like that.. time wasn't always as precious as it is now. I think, historically, there was a much more important reason to accept what the church was telling you. Up until a few centuries ago, the vast majority of people were illiterate. Going to church and listening to someone else telling you about God was not just the easy way, it was the ONLY way.

Think of the power the early church fathers had. And we are supposed to believe that with that kind of power, they never abused it, always told only the absolute truth, and never did anything untoward with their power.


Absolute power corrupts. Absolutely.

Most religions have some sort of mechanism that keeps everything intact. "The Bible is the absolute word of God." "It has been untainted by men." Right. See above. There are a lot of good things in the Bible, and there is a lot of good advice that can make your life much better. But to assume that everything in there is EXACTLY as intended, that NOTHING has been lost in the various translations, and here's the most important part: THAT ALL THE ORIGINAL BOOKS WERE INCLUDED IN IT is, in my opinion, taking the low road.

Another convenient mechanism is Hell, and the Devil. Don't do as we say? Well then, you're going to HELL. Have a difference in opinion with our teachings? The Devil is making you say that.

Easy. Just blame everything on the devil. That way, they can squash anything that opposed their religious teachings in one fell swoop. "It's the devil". Convenient isn't he?

I have done a LOT of reading and thinking on these subjects. Earlier on, it was books and talking to various people. Later on, the Internet proved very useful. I have learned a lot. I could literally go on and on for days here, so I'll stop now. But here's a couple of little gems from my days at bible camp.

My camp counsellors had me believing that pretty much all music was satanic. (This is back in the days of the "backwards satanic messages in rock music" bullshit) As we all lay in our bunks in the cabin, talking about what was ok to listen to, the other campers kept bringing up different artists: (Obviously not the blatant ones like Ozzy Osbourne or Judas Priest)

"What about Kenny Rogers?"
"Nope. He sings about gambling"

"The Eagles?"
"Nope, they have a coven of witches singing backup" (I don't know WHERE they got that one..)

"Simon and Garfunkel?"
"Nope, they sing about a 'Bridge over troubled water', instead of God".

So I said, "What kind of music IS ok to listen to?"
"Gospel and Christian music"


And another thing that I remember clearly. For some reason that I can't recall (early rebellion?), I said "shit" but in french. One of the counsellors said "What does that mean?" I said "It's french for the 'S-word'" (Foolishly thinking he might find it funny). "You shouldn't say things like that." "Why not? Know one knows what I'm talking about..."

"The Lord knows..."

Gimme a break.

I ask you this: Why would God care whether or not I use the word "poo", which means human excrement, or if I use the word "shit" (in any language) which means, human excrement? "Shit" has been around for centuries. It literally comes from the same root as "schizm". It hasn't always been a swear word.

To summarize, I'm seeking the truth. I don't know if I'll ever find it, but I have known for some time that it will not be easy to find. The clues are right in front of me. At least I have a better understanding of what is NOT the truth. That's a step forward.

That's enough of my religion rant for now. If I offended, I'm sorry. These are my thoughts. If you liked it, there's a lot more where THAT came from.



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